
Ball Pagès espadrilles Roam the world


We love the fact that you wear your Ball Pagès espadrilles wherever you go. We see you wandering the cities, roads, avenues and beaches and it encourages us to create more designs for you and always from our traditional savoir-faire and values.

This is why, when we see that a pair of Ball Pagès has the good fortune to walk the beautiful beaches of Balangan Beach in Bali, we couldn’t feel luckier ourselves.

Sara Escudero is one of the most important influencers in our country because of her natural style and her closeness. Her blog, Collage Vintage is now more than a reference point for life and fashion. 


See model


Words are not necessary when images have the power to speak for themselves.




Many thanks, Sara Escudero and Collage Vintage for walking with Ball Pagès.